* O. Pastor, J. C. Molina, "Model-Driven Architecture in Practice, A Software Production Environment Based on Conceptual Modeling", Springer, 2007.
* J. P. A. Almeida, "Model-Driven Design of Distributed Applications", Ph.D. Thesis in Computer Science, CTIT Ph.D.-Thesis Series, No. 06-85,
Telematica Instituut Fundamental Research Series, No. 018 (TI/FRS/018), Enschede, The Netherlands, 2006, ISBN 90-75176-422.
* D. Harel, B. Rumpe, "Modeling Languages: Syntax, Semantics and all that Stuff", Part I: the Basic Stuff. Technical Report. UMI Order Number:
MCS00-16., Weizmann Science Press of Israel, 2000.
* R. Wieringa, "A Survey of Structured and Object-Oriented Software Specification Methods and Techniques", ACM Computing Surveys, 30, 1998.
* Artigos diversos de conferências internacionais, tais como ACM/IEEE 12th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and
Systems (MODELS), IEEE International EDOC Conference, CAiSE, dentre outras.
* Artigos diversos de periódicos internacionais, tais como IEEE Computer, IEEE Software, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering,
Communications of the ACM, dentre outros.