Cechinel-Filho, V. Plant Bioactives and Drug Discovery: Principles, Practice, and Perspectives. Wiley, 2012, 592p. COLEGATE, S. M., MOLYNEUX, R. J. Bioactive Natural Products: Detection, Isolation, and Structural Determination. CRC Press, 2007, 624p. COOPER, R.; NICOLA, G. Natural Products Chemistry: Sources, Separations and Structures. Florida: CRC Press, 1th ed., 2014, 206p. DEWICK, P. M. Medicinal Natural Products: A Biosynthetic Aprroach. West Sussex: John Wiley, 3th ed., 2009, 550p. MANN, J. Secondary Metabolism. Oxford: Clarendon Press: Oxford, 2 th ed.,1995, 374 p. MANN, J.; DAVIDSON, R. S.; HOBBS, B.; BANTHORPE, D. V.; HARBONE, J. B. Natural products: their chemistry and biological significance. Longman: Hong Kong, 2 th ed., 1996, 455p. PELLETIER, S.W. Alkaloids: chemical and biological perspectives. New York: Springer; Softcover reprint of the original 1th ed. 1992 edition, 2011, 365p. RAHMAN, A. Studies in Natural Products Chemistry. Elsevier, 2014, 514p. ROMEO, J. Secondary Metabolism in Model Systems: Recent Advances in Phytochemistry. Elsevier Science, 2004, 280p. Periódicos Científicos: Natural Product Reports, Studies in Natural Products Chemistry