Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo

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Informações Gerais
Mobilização do direito ( PGCS8855 )
Coordenação do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Sociais
Período Ideal no Curso:
Sem período ideal
Nota Mínima para Aprovação:
Carga Horária:
Número de Créditos:


A relação entre o campo jurídico e diferentes formas de ação coletiva. A perspectiva da Legal Mobilization Theory e seu estado da arte. As discussões sobre legal framing e consequências institucionais para o uso de estratégias jurídicas. Aspectos institucionais e das carreiras jurídicas.

BARCLAY, S. et al. (2011), “Two spinning wheels: studying law and social movements”, in Austin Sarat (ed.), Special issue social movements/legal possibilities, Bingley, Emerald Group Publishing (Studies in Law, Politics and Society, 54). MCCANN, M. (1991), “Legal mobilization and social reform movements: notes on theory and its application”. Studies in Law, Politics, and Society, 11: 225-254. ______. (2006a), “Law and social movements: contemporary perspectives”. Annual Review of Law and Social Science, 2: 17-38 MCCANN, Michael W. (ed.) (2006b). Law and social movements. Londres, Ashgate Olson SM. 1984. Clients and Lawyers: Securing the Rights of Disabled Persons. Westport, CT: Greenwood POLLETTA, F. (2000), “The structural context of novel rights claims: Southern civil rights organizing, 1961-1966”. Law and Society Review, 22 (5): 367-406. ROSENBERG, G. N. (2008), The hollow hope: can courts bring about social change?. Chicago, University of Chicago Press. RUCHT, D. (2008), “Movement allies, adversaries, and third parties”, in D. A. Snow, S. A. Soule e H. Kriesi (eds.), The Blackwell Companion to Social Movements, Nova Jersey, John Wiley & Sons. SCHEINGOLD, S. A. (1974), The politics of rights: lawyers, public policy, and political change. New Haven, Yale University Press. VANHALA, L. (2011a), Making rights a reality? Disability rights activists and legal mobilization. Cambridge University Press. ______. (2011b), “Social movements lashing back: law, social change and intra-social movement backlash in Canada”, in Austin Sarat (ed.), special issue social movements/legal possibilities, Bingley, Emerald Group Publishing (Studies in Law, Politics and Society, 54). 

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